Career Pathfinders – FAQs

Q. Are there any fees payable by candidates to Career Pathfinders ?
A.  No – Nothing at all. All fees payable to Career Pathfinders are payable only by the employer, upon commencement of a new employee, successfully placed through the agent.
Unless, of couse, a candidate really insists on paying us something – then we will not put up a fight. Also – all donations are welcome!!

Q. Do candidates need to register with Career Pathfinders ?
A. Not formally. You are welcome to give us a call to discuss matters, then all we really need is your Cv to be emailed to us. Once we have the CV, then you will be put into the system, and then you are registered with us.

Q. What experience do I need ?
A. Because we are an agency dealing strictly in the hotel and hospitality insudtry …. Then, as a ruke, we seek applicants with hotel qualifications and experience. Clients use an agency, specifically because thy seek CVs of applicants that have a relevant experience, qualifications and a proven track record in the position adbvertised.

Q. How long do I have to wait, after subnitting my CV, before I can expect to hear any news ?
A. This is very variable in most cases. As a rule, if the CV complies with the criteria advertised, then we will probably be in contact with you within a day or two. Thereafter, if you and we agree to forward the CV to a client, then sometimes responses can be quick, and sometimes things just take time ….. because there is a recruitment process on the go with the client. But we wil keep in liaison between us and the client, and then in turn, between us and you.

Q. Can Career Pathfinders guarantee to find me a position?
A.  No. Under no circumstances will we ever guarantee this, simply because we cannot make such a guaratee. There are so many circumstances surrounding the recruitment process, and believe us when we say that the competition is very tough. For every vacancy, the employer tends to end up with 20 to 30 CVs in his/her hands ! BUT — What we will guarantee, is that we will do our best on the behalf of every candidate, provided the CV matches the criteria sought, and there are no difficulties attached to the application – eg negative references, criminal records, obstacles relating to spouse/partner/children issues and so on.

Q. How do I apply for a vacancy on your website ?
A. Click “submit CV ” on the Home Page, fill out the form, attach CV and sent it. Or on the particuar vacancy page i.e. chefs under vacancies, click “apply for this position” and email your CV with all info on the cover page.

Q. Does Career Pathfinders only have management vacancies ?
A. Not all all. We carry vacancies for all positions within the hotel industry, from Reception right up to General Managers, including all chefs and Hotel Accountants. Unfortunately however, employers as a rule do not use agencies to source more junior positions, such as wiaters, cleaners and gardeners.

Q. Will you inform the candidate before you sent the CV to various establishments ?
A. Yes, it is important that we provide this information, because we cannot submit your CV, without prior notice, just for in case you do not wish to be considered for employment at a particular estalishment. After submission of CVs, we will keep the applicant informed on each step of the process, as and when it transpires.

Q. Do I need to put “exact dates” on my CV ?
A. The more detailed a CV is, then so much the easier for the agent. Saves having to fathom out all sorts of “ponderables” and guess-work.
And indeed, dates are very important, although just the Month and Year. If a CV states “2013 to 2014” – this is too ambiguous and meaningless. Eg … it could mean Jan 2013 to Dec 2014, which equates to twenty-four months’ service : alternatively, it could mean Dec 2013 to Feb 2014, which equates to three months service – and this makes a huge impact on the CV content.

Q. Do I need to put references on the CV ?
A. Absolutely !! The more the merrier. We cannot submit CVs without references – it’s quite simply a NO-No in rectruitment, for all the obvious reasons. You may attach letters of testimony, although more importantly, we require the Name & Contact Number of at least three prior employers, preferable the GM or Director.