Candidate video introduction – to bridge the gap.
One step closer to getting to know your potential employee.
We have introduced a new concept “Video Introduction”
Our candidates have to record themselves during an introduction to the potential employer.
The following are guidelines to the recording of the introduction video :
Formats: Mp4, avi or wmv
Allowed Size: The video should not exceed 9 MB(Mega Bytes) – unless you have a video compressor App on your phone in order to be able to send it.
Send via: Email, WhatsApp, DropBox
Allowed Time: The video should not exceed 1 minute in length.
Contents of video should include:
– Introduce yourself (Name and Surname)
– Your current or latest job title and place of employment as well as time period
– Short overview of your career and any matters of interest to the client.
– Why you are applying for this specific job and why you are interested in being employed at
this specific establishment?
– Polite ending to video clip
– Ensure your dress code is professional
– Ensure the background of the video is blank space (a plain wall)
– Ensure that there is no background sounds to be heard
– Ensure that your body language and your conduct is calm, confident and professional
– Allow yourself a few practice rounds and send the one you prefer