Use these guidelines for the format and content required on your C.V
NOTE Wherever possible, include on the C.V, or attach to the email, a photo of yourself.
1. Employment Application Details.
- What position are you applying for?
- What is your present notice period?
- What gross monthly salary are you looking for?
- If applying for a Live-In basis position, what gross salary do you seek?
- Please state what areas in South Africa you would prefer to work in?
2. Strengths Profile
Write a brief profile as part of your C.V, detailing your strengths in the workplace, aspects of particular skill, and aspects of particular interest to you in the workplace.
3. Personal Details
- Full names
- Residential address
- All contact numbers – home, cellphone, work,
- Email address
- Skype address – if applicable
- Nationality
- ID number
- Marital Status
- Number of dependents
- Languages spoken
- Driver’s License and code
- State whether or not you own a car
- State of health
4. Guidelines for Education & Training
- Highest high school qualification & name of school
- Details of tertiary qualifications & name of institution.
- Details of additional professional/work related short courses?
5. Computer Literacy guidelines
- What Hotel programs are you experienced and competent with ?
- Any other programs (non-hotel) ?
6. Employment History
– Start with your most recent position, then work backwards, using the headings below.
– Avoid lengthy job descriptions.
- Company name
- Position held
- Period of employment
- Reason for leaving
7. References
Minimum of three previous employers / managers
- Name of referee
- Company
- Title / Designation
- Contact number ** please ensure the number is correct and not invalid or out-of-date **