
  Before his interview, a candidate lost out on a job because he stopped to tie his shoes. He was interviewing at a company that has a zero tolerance policy for lateness for current employees. As for potential employees? Let’s just say that if you’re late for an interview, you no longer have an interview. […]

      Candidate video introduction – to bridge the gap. One step closer to getting to know your potential employee. We have introduced a new concept “Video Introduction” Our candidates have to record themselves during an introduction to the potential employer.   The following are guidelines to the recording of the introduction video : […]

Negotiate your salary, effectively. The amount of horror stories I could write about from interviews and salary discussions could go on for pages ! The words “What’s your desired salary?” create such fear, anxiety, uncertainty, and unadulterated panic in candidates. When you think back to your last job offer, were you happy with the result? […]

The Job Seeker –  Interview process  These days this often forms a part of the selection process. It is however a very important part , as it gives a prospective employer the chance to get to know you as a person, even if it is only for a short time. It is also your chance […]